“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finding Your Way

Have you ever felt as though you were totally lost?

Have you ever been following your dream down a beautiful, sunlit path of inspiration only to find that when you stopped to gaze at the scenery or smell the flowers, that you fell way behind and now are stumbling around in the deep, dark woods? Lost, alone, trying to figure out where you lost sight of it and wondering if you'll ever catch up to it again? What do you do?

The key, I believe, is to regain focus. Focus on what we want, rather than focusing on what we don't have. If we keep our dream in sight at all times, we will catch up to it, and begin living it.

Visualize your dream. Write it down on paper, in your journal perhaps? Doodle it or sketch it out and then put it where you will be sure to see it every day...maybe on your refridgerator. :) Committing your vision/dream to paper will give it strength...and in turn will give you the power to follow closely.


Anonymous,  July 24, 2007 at 4:42 PM  

i agree =o)

MaryAnn July 25, 2007 at 9:00 PM  

Yes! Like attracts like. It is so much easy to be grateful and enjoy what you have then to dwell on the negative. Much, much better use of energy.

Dr.John July 26, 2007 at 5:54 PM  

Or , perhaps, you need a new dream.

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