“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wanted: Group/Guild Leaders or Managers!

I'm looking for independent groups and guilds (not sales-venue specific) to interview for my new column on Handmade News.

I'm really excited about this column because its focus is specifically on groups that are not formed within internet sales venues. The groups I'm looking for are those that are made up of artisans that work with specific tools and/or materials and work together to further the knowledge of their art or craft.

If you, or someone you know, are involved with a group like this and would like to see the group featured, please let me know. You can contact me by leaving a comment here or writing me.

So...What exactly is a Spam blog?

Yesterday, my blog was locked for possibly being a Spam blog and someone had to personally check it to make sure it wasn't. After reading the, somewhat foggy, description of one, I really don't understand how my blog would even come close to falling under that description.

I added a new plugboard (yes, I'm behind the times a bit), and directly after that my blog was blocked/locked. Is that the reason? It seems like it could be.

At any rate, apparently I passed their inspection because I am able to post today. :)

So, if you have a graphic 88x31 for plug boards, please plug my board. I'm anxious to see it filled up.

Michael Jackson's Memorial Service will be on TV today. Facebook is going to be following the memorial service online and in conjunction with CNN. They will have full coverage of events worldwide on CNN and CNN.com Live with Facebook. I've already signed up for this. Will you be there too?


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